Medical debt is the reason people most often give for filing bankruptcy. With that in mind, it becomes all the more urgent to make sure that a past due account is collected promptly. Otherwise, it may never be collected.
The clock is ticking, putting a lot of pressure on your hospital's accounts receivable department.
Your accounts receivable department has a lot to do, just in adapting to the constantly changing landscape that is health care today. So let TeleRecovery help you help them, by efficiently and quickly collecting your past due accounts. (Here are some of our clients' comments.)
With more than 25 years in the collections business in Kenner, TeleRecovery has the experience to recover those delinquent accounts. Staffed by bonded collections professionals who are well-educated in HIPAA regulations and the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you can be confident that your collections accounts will be handled discreetly, fairly and legally.
At TeleRecovery, we are also experienced in workers' compensation cases and medical liens, when the responsible party is either an attorney or insurance company.
We can also collect for the anesthesiologist, physician and other medical professionals involved, either as part of the hospital's collection account or as separate collections account.
Many of our clients in the medical industry have appreciated our service.
We also offer our clients:
Whether that means serving as an outside collections agency or providing you access to experienced litigation and collections lawyers, we can help you at TeleRecovery. You can contact us either online or by telephone locally at 877-888-8307.